The Grizzly Foundation is a funding organisation for young, well-trained and particularly talented jazz musicians. This young, up-and-coming jazz generation needs visibility, references, access to networks and financial start-up support. The foundation intervenes at this point with targeted financial and non-material help for self-help. For example, visibility is increased through performance opportunities, presence is strengthened through a website, a debut CD or access to networks. The foundation also aims to help raise the artistic profile of individual artists with projects that are tailored to their specific needs. The aim and purpose of the foundation is to enable young talents with in-depth training to work continuously on their own projects and to facilitate their entry into the professional music world.
When selecting scholarship holders, the foundation works primarily with the Bundesjazzorchester (BuJazzO), the national youth jazz orchestra of the Federal Republic of Germany. The musicians of the BuJazzO are selected by a jury at auditions throughout Germany and are among the most promising talents of their generation. At the BuJazzO, they are trained for two years, primarily in ensemble playing, but the foundation also aims to promote and strengthen individual talent through its commitment.
The scholarship holders are selected by the board in co-operation with artistic curators.